The Planar Light System.
Shop lighting is outdated. Failure to adapt to emerging technologies has left the workshop in the dark. LEDs and advancements in lensing and diffusion allow for a lightweight, slim, scalable, and adjustable solution that is brighter and lighter than traditional fluorescent bulbs. This presents new opportunities for design.
The scope of this project encompasses the design and construction of a work light. Primary focus will revolve around the specific use case of shaping a surfboard and the “shaper’s lights” used therein - often these lights are simple 8’ fluorescent tubes, bolted to the wall with no diffusion and no adjustability.
Use case
Confined space; no more than 12ft wide. Foam work piece placed on racks built to the shapers spec; the top surface of the work piece is at elbow height.
Light must shear across the top curved surface in as collinear an orientation as is attainable. This highlights the ridge from one plane as it transfers to the next. This creates maximum contrast between high and low points, between the machined apexes of planes formed by passes of a power hand planer; these planes ultimately making up a curve
Product Research